Conference "18. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der GI Fachgruppe Bildungstechnologien (DELFI 2020)", Gesellschaft für Informatik, online, 14.-17.9.2020, programme committee member.
Workshop "Linking language to motor concepts – cognitive correlates of grasping actions" [with Juliane Fink], 10.06.2016, Department of German in cooperation with the Cognitive Sciene Research Platform, University of Vienna and the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH), Austrian Academy of Science: (Interview, DoktorandInnenzentrum).
Student workshop "German Studies" [with Martina Werner] at the 2nd Annual Scientific International Conference of the Faculty of Letters of Spiru Haret University, 12-14.05.2016, Bucarest.
5th Workshop Sprachwissenschaftliche Dissertationsprojekte der Wiener Germanistik [with Juliane Fink, Alexandra N. Lenz], 27.-28.02.2015, Department of German, University of Vienna:
Workshop: Empirische Methoden der Variationslinguistik [with Alexandra N. Lenz] 41. Österreichische Linguistiktagung, 6.-8.12.2014, Department of Linguistics in cooperation with VERBAL and Institut für fremdsprachliche Wirtschaftskommunikation (WU), Vienna:
6th Colloquium "Forum Sprachvariation" of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD) [with Robert Langhanke, Susanne Oberholzer, Christoph Purschke, Michael Riccabona, Christina Schroedl, Philipp Stoeckle], 16.-18.10.2014, Deutsches Seminar, University of Zurich (UZH):
Praxisworkshop Statistik, Netzwerk Sprachwissenschaftlicher DoktorandInnen der Wiener Germanistik [with Isabella Hager, Andrea Kleene, Alexandra Lenz], 16.06.2014, Department of German, University of Vienna:
Lecture Series: "Brennpunkte der Wiener Sprachwissenschaften (& Gäste)" [with Alexandra N. Lenz, Christian Luschützky, Eva Remberger, Nikolaus Ritt], Wiener Sprachgesellschaft (WSG), ST2014, WT 2014, ST2015:
6th Austrian Students Conference of Linguistics (ASCL) [with Marion Dotter, Aneta Gąsiorek, Simon Huber, Sabine Laszakovits, Christina Lengauer, Katharina Mayr, Lisa Niederdorfer, Jakob Steixner], 29.11.-01.12.2013, Department of German, University of Vienna:
3rd Workshop "Sprachwissenschaftliche Dissertationsprojekte der Wiener Germanistik" [with Axel Linsberger, Christina Schrödl, Ulrike Thumberger, Alexandra N. Lenz], 08.-09.03.2013, Department of German, University of Vienna in cooperation with the research group DINAMLEX, Department for Corpuslinguistics and Text Technology (ICLTT), Austrian Academy of Sciences:
Workshop "Sprache und Kunst", annual conference of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Germanistik (ÖGG) [with Martina Werner], 08.06.2012, Vienna:
Conference "Deutsch in Österreich" - Theoretische und empirische Aspekte der Variationslinguistik und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung (DiÖ)" [with Alexandra Lenz, Manfred Glauninger, Peter Ernst, Ingeborg Geyer, Ludwig M. Breuer, Andrea Kleene & Yasmine Schiller], 19.-21.04.2012, Department of German, University of Vienna & Institut für Österreichische Dialekt- und Namenlexika (DINAMLEX), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna:
2nd Workshop "Sprachwissenschaftliche Dissertationsprojekte der Wiener Germanistik" [with Ludwig Maximilian Breuer, Inci Dirim, Dr. Alexandra N. Lenz], 16.-17.03.2012, Department of German, University of Vienna:
Workshop "Morphological Voice and its Grammatical Interfaces" [with Dalina Kalulli], 25.-27.06.2010, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna:
2nd Austrian Students Conference of Linguistics (ASCL), 20.-22.11.2009, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna:
Workshop "Linking language to motor concepts – cognitive correlates of grasping actions" [with Juliane Fink], 10.06.2016, Department of German in cooperation with the Cognitive Sciene Research Platform, University of Vienna and the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH), Austrian Academy of Science: (Interview, DoktorandInnenzentrum).
Student workshop "German Studies" [with Martina Werner] at the 2nd Annual Scientific International Conference of the Faculty of Letters of Spiru Haret University, 12-14.05.2016, Bucarest.
5th Workshop Sprachwissenschaftliche Dissertationsprojekte der Wiener Germanistik [with Juliane Fink, Alexandra N. Lenz], 27.-28.02.2015, Department of German, University of Vienna:
Workshop: Empirische Methoden der Variationslinguistik [with Alexandra N. Lenz] 41. Österreichische Linguistiktagung, 6.-8.12.2014, Department of Linguistics in cooperation with VERBAL and Institut für fremdsprachliche Wirtschaftskommunikation (WU), Vienna:
6th Colloquium "Forum Sprachvariation" of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD) [with Robert Langhanke, Susanne Oberholzer, Christoph Purschke, Michael Riccabona, Christina Schroedl, Philipp Stoeckle], 16.-18.10.2014, Deutsches Seminar, University of Zurich (UZH):
Praxisworkshop Statistik, Netzwerk Sprachwissenschaftlicher DoktorandInnen der Wiener Germanistik [with Isabella Hager, Andrea Kleene, Alexandra Lenz], 16.06.2014, Department of German, University of Vienna:
Lecture Series: "Brennpunkte der Wiener Sprachwissenschaften (& Gäste)" [with Alexandra N. Lenz, Christian Luschützky, Eva Remberger, Nikolaus Ritt], Wiener Sprachgesellschaft (WSG), ST2014, WT 2014, ST2015:
6th Austrian Students Conference of Linguistics (ASCL) [with Marion Dotter, Aneta Gąsiorek, Simon Huber, Sabine Laszakovits, Christina Lengauer, Katharina Mayr, Lisa Niederdorfer, Jakob Steixner], 29.11.-01.12.2013, Department of German, University of Vienna:
3rd Workshop "Sprachwissenschaftliche Dissertationsprojekte der Wiener Germanistik" [with Axel Linsberger, Christina Schrödl, Ulrike Thumberger, Alexandra N. Lenz], 08.-09.03.2013, Department of German, University of Vienna in cooperation with the research group DINAMLEX, Department for Corpuslinguistics and Text Technology (ICLTT), Austrian Academy of Sciences:
Workshop "Sprache und Kunst", annual conference of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Germanistik (ÖGG) [with Martina Werner], 08.06.2012, Vienna:
Conference "Deutsch in Österreich" - Theoretische und empirische Aspekte der Variationslinguistik und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung (DiÖ)" [with Alexandra Lenz, Manfred Glauninger, Peter Ernst, Ingeborg Geyer, Ludwig M. Breuer, Andrea Kleene & Yasmine Schiller], 19.-21.04.2012, Department of German, University of Vienna & Institut für Österreichische Dialekt- und Namenlexika (DINAMLEX), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna:
2nd Workshop "Sprachwissenschaftliche Dissertationsprojekte der Wiener Germanistik" [with Ludwig Maximilian Breuer, Inci Dirim, Dr. Alexandra N. Lenz], 16.-17.03.2012, Department of German, University of Vienna:
Workshop "Morphological Voice and its Grammatical Interfaces" [with Dalina Kalulli], 25.-27.06.2010, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna:
2nd Austrian Students Conference of Linguistics (ASCL), 20.-22.11.2009, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna: